Online Transcultural Consultations

Transcultural & client centered consultation

I consider me and my clients as individuals part of specifics cultural nets built on traditions, historical events, familial narrations, religious and political experiences, institutions and many more social relationships. This implies our constant need to redefine the meaning and sense of  our experiences, and this perception can be even more amplified if we feel that we are crashing into “other worlds”, without useful instructions and tools.

Some of you may identify their experience in one or more of these categories:

first, second, third generations of immigrant families
mixed couples or marriages
students studying abroad
digital nomads
long-term travelers
trailing partner
anthropologists on the field.

And maybe….

…some of these Issues sound familiar:

Multicultural background families and couple relationships
Social and familial expectations
Personal and cultural boundaries
Parenting in “mixed” families
Parents far from “home”
Immigration problems
Cultural adjustment
Students far from home
Expat experience
Digital nomads challenges
Trailing spouse/partner difficulties
Adequacy in other cultural contests.

A possible Path

I personally know it is not easy dealing with all these issues but in all of these situations and at every age and social status, there are 2 things particularly important to do to lead a conscious, intentional and happy life:

Find “one’s center” : it may sound like a concept borrowed from Eastern thought, and it is! This means to me to develop the ability to feel at “home” everywhere and to feel rooted no matter where you are and – thanks to one’s ability to deal and mediate with internal and external tensions- to find personal balance. This is an everyday practice that accompanies our path to self-consciousness. This is a path and a challenge that I will  accompany you on!

Take seriously other cultural experiences and mediate with them:  in order to live in contact to other socio- cultural contexts it is fundamental to take seriously everything others do. Nothing is laughable and nothing happens by chance. Behind every individual, behind his/her behavior and world view lies a worthy tradition. This is true for others worlds/traditions and this is true as well as to yours.

This path leads you to develop worthy qualities such as Respect, Mediation, Comprehension, Curiosity.

I will provide support along the way facilitating and sustaining you in the process of discovering the complexities and opportunities that cultural consciousness can bring. Virtual Consultations are held in a private setting. 

Just contact me, I’ll be happy to answer all your questions.

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